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Our Commitment and Passion Start With You.

Employee Promise

We ensure right sizing our talented

staff for each project.

We truly value our employees

and believe the right balance results

in more passion and energy

to do our best work.


Every Client Matters.

Our most important details are our clients.
We provide design solutions that tell your story, not ours. 


Kat DiPietro

Managing Principal, BSA LifeStructures

Curea brought together the creative inspiration and accurate documentation for each project they did for me with ease. Curea's strong ability to listen and synthesize the design comes from their years of experience with many different clients and implementing their projects. I appreciate all the variety of ideas and expertise in interiors Curea brings based on what is gathered from the overall design and client.

Kelli Falardo and I worked together for several years and she is a top designer in commercial and healthcare design. She understands how to adapt to natural changes from the client and make the design better with each new iteration. I look forward to new opportunities to work with the Curea Design Studio on interiors projects and I highly recommend the team.

Client Promise

By strategically balancing our client base and never over promising,

we are able to maximize our personal engagement for every project.

Company Logo

Healthcare and workplace

design solutions.




88 Inverness Circle East, Suite A203

Englewood, Colorado 80015

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 2021 Curea Design Studio

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